BFCM 2024 Roundup: Top Strategies from TikTok, Shopify, and Klaviyo for Holiday Success

In this BFCM 2024 Roundup, discover top strategies from TikTok, Shopify, and Klaviyo to supercharge your holiday marketing and drive record-breaking sales.

As Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) approach, brands are gearing up to make the most of the holiday shopping rush. To help you maximize your sales and connect with customers, we’ve gathered top tips from our trusted partners—TikTok, Shopify, and Klaviyo. From optimizing your store to leveraging social commerce and email marketing, these actionable insights will ensure you’re ready to capitalize on this critical shopping season.

Here’s a roundup of top BFCM tips from Avenue Z’s partners, TikTok, Shopify, and Klaviyo:

TikTok: Holiday 2024 Vertical Playbook

  • Go Vertical, Go Full-Screen: Utilize TikTok’s native vertical video format for an immersive experience. It allows brands to connect authentically with users, providing a more personal and engaging ad experience.
  • Harness Trends: Tap into trending sounds and hashtags. These trends are an excellent way to stay relevant and get noticed quickly. TikTok recommends exploring holiday-specific trends to amplify your messaging during BFCM.
  • Leverage Creators: Collaborate with TikTok creators who align with your brand. Authentic creator-driven content tends to resonate better with audiences and builds trust.
  • Spark Ads: Use TikTok’s Spark Ads to boost your organic content. Spark Ads allow brands to leverage popular user-generated content, making your promotions feel native and trustworthy to potential customers.
  • Early Bird Promotions: TikTok advises launching BFCM promotions early to capture attention. Many users begin holiday shopping well before the official sale dates.

Read More from TikTok

Shopify: Black Friday Cyber Monday Checklist

  • Optimize Your Store: Start by ensuring your website is ready for high traffic. Test your checkout process, update product descriptions, and ensure fast load times to prevent bounce rates.
  • Create Exclusive Discounts: Offer exclusive BFCM deals that incentivize customers to act quickly. Early access deals can generate buzz and boost pre-BFCM sales.
  • Leverage Email and SMS Marketing: Shopify suggests doubling down on email and SMS campaigns. Use personalized recommendations and create a sense of urgency with countdown timers.
  • Retarget Abandoned Carts: Set up abandoned cart emails to recapture lost sales. Incentivize customers to complete their purchases with an additional discount or free shipping offer.
  • Utilize Shopify Apps: Integrate apps to streamline everything from inventory management to automating BFCM-related marketing campaigns.

Read More from Shopify

Klaviyo: Email & SMS Tips for BFCM 2024

  • Segment Your Audience: Klaviyo emphasizes the importance of segmentation. Send highly targeted emails and SMS messages based on user behaviors and preferences to improve engagement and conversion rates.
  • Send a ‘Warm-Up’ Campaign: Start warming up your email list weeks before BFCM with value-based content. Use early-bird discounts to tease your audience about the upcoming sales.
  • Maximize Open Rates: Experiment with personalized subject lines, emojis, and urgency in your messaging. Klaviyo recommends A/B testing different versions of your email to see what works best for your audience.
  • Leverage SMS for Urgent Sales: SMS is perfect for sending last-minute deals or notifications about flash sales. Klaviyo suggests keeping your SMS copy concise, to-the-point, and timely.
  • Post-Sale Engagement: Don’t let the communication stop after BFCM. Follow up with customers to build loyalty through post-purchase emails, thanking them for their orders and recommending related products.

Read More from Klaviyo

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Ready to crush your BFCM goals? Let us help you implement these strategies and drive results. Contact Avenue Z today to elevate your holiday marketing campaigns!

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