Beauty Brand – NDA




Our Results


Increase in GMV


GMV from Single Video


Orders (30 Days)

The Challenge

As an international brand, this DTC company struggled to find a consistent audience on traditional platforms that could fuel scalable growth. They needed a way to connect with new customers across diverse markets.

The Solution

Our team knew the key was to leverage the TikTok Shop platform and unlock the power of targeted content through affiliates that resonated with their audience.

Our Approach

Unlocking Audience Insights

In the first month, our team conducted market research and did a deep dive into TikTok’s user base. We identified the brand’s ideal demographic on the platform, considering factors like region, interests, and content preferences. This allowed us to tailor content that resonated deeply with each target audience.

Affiliate & Influencer Content

We strategically sourced and coached affiliates through TikTok’s Creator Marketplace. These carefully chosen affiliates already trusted voices on the platform, became brand ambassadors, creating engaging content that resonated with their established audience.

Connect With Us

Stay in touch. Discuss your needs with us and see how we can help.