Home Builder Boosts Conversions by 674%





Brite Homes® is a new construction home builder revolutionizing the housing market with its commitment to sustainable, net-zero energy homes. By integrating energy-saving technology with eco-friendly building practices, they offer homeowners significant savings on their annual energy costs, a more sustainable lifestyle and a reduced carbon footprint, making Brite Homes a leader in promoting greener, more cost-effective housing.

After Just Two Months of Working with Avenue Z


Increase in Impressions


Increase in Clicks


Decrease in Cost Per Click

The Challenge

Brite Homes faced the dual challenges of limited brand recognition in a competitive market and an excess of unsold homes. Previously operating with a constrained marketing budget, their paid search efforts were minimal, barely making an impact on raising brand awareness among prospective buyers. 

This challenge was compounded by an overstock of homes, putting additional pressure on their sales strategy. The initial marketing efforts’ narrow reach failed to engage the broad spectrum of their potential buyers, significantly impacting their market position and highlighting the need for a substantial overhaul of their digital marketing tactics.

The Approach

Our strategy embraced a comprehensive full-funnel marketing campaign. Starting with a broad awareness strategy, we introduced Brite Homes’ unique value proposition to a wide audience. We then honed in on potential buyers through targeted location-based marketing tactics by creating and continuously optimizing a set of six landing pages based on each of the available locations Brite Homes are sold in. 

This multifaceted approach aimed to not only attract attention but to also  nurture and convert leads into Brite Homes buyers, effectively overcoming the initial hurdles of limited brand recognition and overstock inventory challenges.


How We Laid the Foundation for Brite Homes’ Success

Full-Funnel Marketing

We began with broad-reaching demand generation campaigns aimed at individuals actively searching for new homes, introducing them to the unique benefits of energy-efficient living. We then strategically shifted our focus to capture interest from those already familiar with the Brite Homes brand, using targeted brand search campaigns.

Throughout this process, we focused on enhancing engagement with those in the middle funnel with Google’s Performance Max, optimizing our approach to meet potential buyers at various points in their decision-making journey.

Advanced Location Targeting

We crafted a strategy that directly targeted potential homeowners in several key locations. We did this by honing in on local markets through the use of area-specific targeting to expand reach with hyper-local keywords like “homes for sale near me.”

Additionally, we customized their ad copy to highlight the unique attractions of each city Brite Homes are sold in, from beaches to parks and much more. And lastly, we launched a nationwide ad campaign to attract individuals considering moving to Florida, emphasizing the state’s lifestyle and endless benefits. This multifaceted local and national targeting strategy significantly increased Brite Homes’ visibility across a wide audience spectrum.

Landing Page Optimization

Recognizing the importance of the first impression, we overhauled Brite Homes’ landing pages to prioritize conversion. Calls-to-action were made more prominent and persuasive, guiding visitors toward filling out contact forms with clear, enticing incentives.

By directing users to six location-specific pages, we enhanced relevance, improved ad rankings and reduced costs per click (CPC). A/B testing was employed to refine these pages further, simplifying the path to purchase and significantly boosting the click-through rate (CTR) and overall conversion efficiency.

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