The scholarship search made simple.



Education Technology


Scholly is the Scholarship Search Engine™, simplifying the scholarship hunt for students. Part of the Sallie Mae® family, it matches students with relevant scholarships, aiding them in securing over $35 million. Founded from Christopher Gray’s experience in winning $1.3 million in scholarships, Scholly makes accessing educational funds easier.

The Challenge

The Challenge

Scholly sought to enhance its brand visibility and authority within the competitive education solutions market. The goal was to secure a range of media opportunities—from news features and podcasts to conference engagements and awards—to amplify its presence and impact. Additionally, positioning Scholly as a thought leader was crucial, requiring strategic engagements such as conference speaking and OpEd submissions, all while strengthening the authority of both Scholly and its parent company, Sallie Mae (SLM), through targeted media and thought leadership initiatives.

The Results

  • Secured a Profile in Fortune Magazine – This placement rapidly boosted visibility and credibility.
  • Diverse Media Opportunities – Established ongoing engagement through varied media channels.
  • Pursuit of Speaking Engagements and Awards – Continuously strengthening thought leadership through active participation in key events.
  • Upcoming Op-Eds in Prestigious Publications – Scheduled pieces to further enhance brand authority.

Selected Coverage

PR & Communications Case Studies

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